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Apex Travel In District  
Room R. A. Kartini perpetuation
Sights perpetuation Room Museum located in the Village Kuthoharjo RAKartini District Apex 300 M distance from the center of Apex which occupies one room of the Regent House Office of Regional Head of Nursery II Apex. To go to the museum is easily accessible by vehicle umum.Banyak tourists who visit there next to commemorate the heroes of history of this woman that RA Kartirni will also see first hand the legacy of history: The original text Kartini, pengabadiannya rooms where these rooms as a place to fight for the emancipation of women so until he was given the title of Heroine, a painting of RA Kartini was the only son of the RM Susalit. To find out where and how sejar background RA Kartini, in Sightseeing Guides are provided that seek to give satisfactory service with the intention that contained the tourists love to visit the tourist attraction. Being in that location, visitors can see the building where RA Kartini's first teaching or apply their knowledge to their students. The original building was located one location approximately 150 m to the museum RA Kartini.

Kartini Beach Recreation ParkSights Kartini Beach Recreation Park; located in the village Tasik Court, District of Apex. Distance from downtown Apex ± 500 M and is easily accessible by public transportation, tourist attraction has historical value, said Coast in the sights, used for marine alms ceremony, while the objective that the fishermen obtain salvation and have a lot of fish proceeds. taman_pantai_kartini.jpg But now fishermen have held ceremonial traditions in each village. As for the tourist attraction Kartini Beach Recreation Park is still held once every year the traditional ceremony called th or syawalan, where the tourists both domestic and foreign tourists come on when the event is held on the 5 th day after the Eid al-Fitr. Usually the activities undertaken by tourists abuzz with family boat ride to the island Marongan who reportedly also historic. So that the tourists can get the memories when we go home in the area of ​​residence of each, then each big day or two times a month on Sunday at the tourist attraction in the title of Regional arts performing arts, and the tourists can also enjoy local specialty foods Apex available at the time the eye Souvenir typical of its acquisition of Apex objects sea with nice shapes and motifs that are also available there. 
Anchors Dampu AwangAwang Dampu anchor size: length of 4 M, 2.5 M length of the anchor currency, at Recreation Park Tourism Kartini Beach, where the anchor is said to Apex stranded due to disputes between Sunan Bonang with Dampu Awang, so that the boat was destroyed while the screen Awang Dampu left on the Bonang - Lasem, while anchors left in Apex. jangkar_dampu.jpgJangkar that have historical value is considered sacred because nothing can move except Dengah power of God Almighty. There also are managed by an intermediary anchor the illness can be cured, that's the magic provided by Banyu Travel Allah.Obyek rainbow Sudo District is located in the village toast ± 7.5 km to the south of Apex. Banyu rainbow Tourism is visited by many tourists because of its beautiful landscape but also provided the facility is clean and abundant water for fishing a hobby is appropriate to visit there, because while imagining get fish sambi relax with the family to breathe the fresh air and comfortable atmosphere as well. 
Tomb R.A Kartini
R.A. Kartini died in 1904 and was buried in the village of Fur Fur District, located 17.5 km to the south of the city of Apex. The location is easily accessible by public transportation. Many tourists who make pilgrimages there especially on the birth date of each April 21. At that location there is also the tomb of her husband and only son of RA Kartini also family graves at the Regent Apex Leadership RMAA Djoyodiningrat. After a pilgrimage travelers usually enjoy the typical food and a variety of souvenir that has been exhibited at the location of the object. As the memories when we go home in their respective areas.

Tourism forest of  Kartini Mantingan
Tourism is situated in the village Mantingan, Fur District is located 22 km from the town of Apex and easily accessible by public transportation ie Apex Blora. Due to a shady campsite sheltered by Teak Forest, is a very precise Tourism for recreation with family while enjoying the cool and beautiful nature For tourists who like to exercise swimming pool provided with clean water and also provided a tennis court. In addition to the hobby of camping please visit the Tourism because its protected by a dense forest and shade while looking at the collection of animals that anchored there.Jungle PasucenAttractions that are located in the village Pasucen, Gunem District is situated ± 30 km from the town of Apex. ± 7 km east Mantingan campground. To get to that location through the Feather, because Tourism is a potential but still needed a means of support, especially transportation facilities. Object to the location, the road is still rocky and must pass through the forest along the ± 10 km Sightseeing is very historic as it is proved by the existence of three kinds namely Goa Goa Displays, Goa and Goa Jcgong Joglo supposedly as a hiding place Blancak Ngilo hostile to Sunan Bonang and also there is a story that supposedly clean water marks the stick tancapan Sunan Bonang. For tourists who want to get the story more clearly and see first hand the historic relics immediately visit this Pasucen Wilderness Tourism.Sunan Bonang PetilasanTourism is located in the village of Bonang, District Lasem ± 17 km of Apex and easily accessible by public transportation. Attractions that have traditional cultural values ​​and historical aspects related to the big name Sunan Bonang as one of the nine Wali, it is not surprising that many tourists who visit there and pilgrimage. Many relics of a very historic as: Places Pasujudan and Masjid mosque Tiban namely without Process of new building naturally. Then Bende Pedicab is said to have originated from the name of an envoy from the kingdom of Majapahit named Daw to deliver the news to the Sunan and therefore still running Worship Prayer Sunan and dhikr then the rickshaw was waiting in front of the residence while rengeng-Sunan rengeng or small singing this song sounds by pupils Sunan, then asked the students Sunan Sunan, and may Sunan also not pleased to hear that voice the Sunan replied that it was the voice bende, with Karomah Sunan miracle happened instantaneously transformed into bende. Then bende Sunan was utilized to gather his disciples after his death, bende Pedicab is treated and stored by the Savior Petilasan key in Sunan Bonang Tourism Petilasan Sunan Bonang, and every 10th of Dzulhijah at the feast of Eid al-Adha every year bende rickshaw in jamas or consecrated with a ritual ceremony. The Sunan Haul Bnnang commemorated every year precisely in Rabo Legi Selo day and when the moon is no Rabo Legi days, then replaced Pahing Friday. Sunan Bonang on the history of this unique, for more visit soon jetasnya Tourism Petilasan Sunan Bonang. Usually after the tourists make a beeline to buy "souvenirs" Bonang typical food, fish sauce, shrimp paste and lunkhead Bonang Bonang original. 
Embung LodanLodan ponds located in the village of Sarang Subdistrict Lodan Wetan regency place Apex II ± 4 km east of Sedan. The distance from the town of Apex ± 40 km. Embung Lodan is still used as irrigation and water supply by the public Sedan and nest, as well as the development of freshwater aquaculture. For the development of Tourism fishing and marine tourism with a background of hills and forests of teak and mahogany region Perhutanioffice KPH Kebon Harjo. Very beautiful panorama allows the development of a tourist attraction, especially for relaxing with family.

Forest Tourism Resources CementTourism Resources cement jungle tours in the village district Ivory Sale, situated ± 49 km southeast of Apex. This tourist attraction is appropriate for recreation with family because of the beautiful natural pemandangar, cool with a protected forest that is still natural and is still inhabited by animals are very cute monkey. Konor ape beast that has no history. In addition there is also a cave which no historical value that is Goa Hair, Hair Goa this story visitors will find the full and satisfied when coming straight at Forest Tourism is travel Resources Cement. While camping tourists can also enjoy water and swimming pool are also provided there.

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